
Worshipful Master W Bro Jonathan Leslie Parkyn

RW Bro LN Hicks PAGM, MW Grand Master Elect (Left) and Worshipful Master W Bro JL Parkyn (Right)

The installation of the Worshipful Master Bro JL Parkyn and investiture of officers of Lodge Eltham No 272 took place on Tuesday 26th October 2021 at Eltham, northern NSW.

The Grand Lodge of NSW & ACT was represented by RW Bro LN Hicks PAGM, MW Grand Master Elect. The Grand Director of Ceremonies was RW Bro BL Smith, Deputy Grand Persuivant PJGW; District Grand Inspector of Workings was VW Bro TW Shadbolt DGIW. The Installing Master was VW Bro RI Guthrie PAGDC, and the presenting officers were RW Bro RA Weir PJGW and W Bro IH Frith; organist was VW Bro B Lamb PDGDC.

There was a representative gathering of District Lodges. The Board of Installed Masters consisted of Senior Warden, W Bro M Daley (Lodge Dawn No 511); Junior Warden, W Bro R Constable (Lodge Ballina United No 250); Chaplain, VW Bro RW Hassall PDGIW (Lodge Eltham No 272); Inner Guard, W Bro N Towers (Lodge Cavanbah No 231); Tyler, W Bro B Connor (Tweed Daylight Lodge No 136). 

The presentation of the working tools in the various degrees were delivered by W Bro M Daley, Bro MJ Fox and Bro LP Payne. The address to the Worshipful Master was given by VW Bro RI Guthrie PAGDC; address to the Wardens, VW Bro PR Pickup PAGDC, address to the Brethren, W Bro J Corrigan GSTW.

The following officers were installed: Immediate Past Master, VW Bro RI Guthrie PAGDC; Senior Warden, Bro MJ Fox; Junior Warden, W Bro JA Fraser; Chaplain, VW Bro RW Hassall PDGIW; Secretary RW Bro RA Weir PJGW; Director of Ceremonies, VW Bro CG Myers PDGDC; Senior Deacon, Bro LP Payne; Junior Deacon, Bro JB Hahn; Inner Guard, Bro CS McFarlane; Tyler, W Bro JB Yeo. The Brethren retired to the Eltham Masonic Hall under the direction of VW Bro CG Myers PDGDC for a banquet in honour of the occasion.