Join Freemasonry

Do you have family that have been Freemasons? Father, Grandfather or Great Grandfather, maybe all three and more. Thinking about becoming a freemason but don’t know how?The motto that The Grand Lodge of NSW and the ACT adopt is “To Be 1 Ask 1” and we are not that hard to find or ask. A lot of the information that you would find online if not correct and in fact,  uninformed, mislead hear say. We have always been known as a secret society but in fact we are not a secret society but a society with secrets. If you would like to find out exactly what we do and how we do it then this is our invitation for you to come along and bring a list of questions that you might have. Naturally we wont be able to answer all of the questions you might have but we are sure that we are able to satisfy anyone’s curiosity.

If you enjoy your evening with us you are welcome to come as often as you like and perhaps join Freemasonry at Lodge Eltham.


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