Making Good Men Better

It has been long known that Freemasonry makes good men better. Better in all facets of life, starting with personal growth.There are quotes everywhere with regards to Freemasonry making good men better. Some of the more popular ones are, “A good man is one who at least tries to do the right thing, to get through life affecting people in a positive way whenever possible.” or  “…just try to treat people in ways that you would like to be treated.”

The involvement of Freemasonry with all kinds of charitable pursuits helps its members focus on making the lives of others less fortunate better and more comfortable. Any freemason at any lodge meeting in the world will be confronted with charity or acts of charity a number of times. He will be asked to give something towards charity if he is able, it may be time to spend at a local fundraiser or time from his busy day to aid others. He may be asked to vote on the direction of money to needy causes. Smaller Lodges may group together to forward aid to local organisations that benefit local services like the Westpac Helicopter or Local Hospitals.

Freemasonry does not focus on creed or colour. It focuses on those ideals which should be in the heart of all civilised men. Indeed, we learn early in our masonic career that the cornerstone of Freemasonry is brotherly love, relief and truth. These ideals are some of the highest a man can achieve in his life and the practice of common manners and etiquette will make a good man better.

The Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory have this to say “Freemasonry is a multi-racial and multi-cultural organisation. Membership is open to men of all faiths who are 18 years and above, law-abiding, of good character and who acknowledge a belief in a Supreme Being. You don’t have to wait to be invited or have a family history in Freemasonry – all you need to do is…” ask.

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