

The land on which the Masonic Temple, Public Hall & public toilets now stand was originally part of William Walmsley’s property. However, although he himself did not join the Freemason Lodge at Eltham, his sons William Arthur West Walmsley & Henry Ernest Walmsley were early members of the Lodge & his grandsons William Arthur Walmsley & George Edward also became members at Eltham. William Arthur West Walmsley (a member of the Richmond River Lodge) was one of the 21 Foundation Members, a Trustee of the Lodge, Wor. Master in 1925-6 as well as Secretary in 1928-9. His two sons, William (Arthur) & George Edward were both active members for many years. Arthur Walmsley was Lodge Secretary from 1936 to 1944 & 1946 to 1949.

William Arthur West Walmsley was a man who followed the Masonic principles in his everyday life. He was highly respected for his untiring efforts in the district. His dedication to the Cowlong Creamery Company as Hon. Secretary helped local dairy farmers greatly, his association with local government, through the Gundurimba Shire (in which he served as a councillor for 10 years & president for two years) as well as being an ardent church worker (as a Warden at St Mark’s C. of E. Church as Eltham) revealed his character.

His son, Arthur, joined Lodge Eltham in 1914 & remained a member until 1968. His occupations included being a Tyre Salesman, a Farmer & Grazier as well as being the Managing Director of an Insurance Company. During that time he was the Deputy Mayor of Lismore for 4 years, President of the North Coast Show Soc. for 8 years, President of Lismore Ambulance for 4 years, formed & was Chairman of Lismore Junior Road Safety Council of NSW for 5 years, Secretary of Richmond Branch of Aust. Country Party for 27 years, Member of NSW Legislative Council for 12 years & was made an Honorary Member of Aust. Country Party in 1970. He also completed The Walmsley Family History & Short History of Pioneering Days at Eltham in 1973.